Depending on how often you pay for goods and services with cash, you might have the funds you need soon enough. Every time you get change back after paying, put the coins in a jar or a bowl. Saving up your change can help you pay for a short-term goal such as a weekend getaway or a special item you’d like to buy. How To Save for a Goal Using Small Change Alternatively, you can count your change before taking it to a Coinstar kiosk to ensure the machine is counting the coins accurately. But anyone worried about getting ripped off by the coin counter should consider rolling the change manually to cash in or deposit at a bank.
In fact, machines that literally shortchanged customers were the reason why some banks, such as TD Bank, pulled their coin machines.Ĭoinstar machines undergo “rigorous testing to ensure kiosks are highly accurate and reliable,” and technicians routinely service them, as noted on the company’s website. There have been issues in the past with the accuracy of coin-counting machines.